Friday, March 27, 2020

A Prayer for the Plague-time

Loving God, first, we want to thank you kindly for your grace and love. Your grace assures us that we are your children, one and all, and comforts us that we are close to you. Your love is truly steadfast; it sustains us in times of trial and reminds us of humility’s virtues in times of triumph. We thank you for the gift of life. We thank you for these gifts today and every day.

We have much else for which to be thankful, God, but our thanks are tempered by the knowledge that your creation can be a sad, lonely, and sometimes terrifying place. Many of our brothers and sisters, especially our aged brethren and those with compromised immune systems, are endangered by this Coronavirus, for which we were so ill prepared. Many are sick; many have died. Many more will become sick; many more will die. We know that you did not cause this new plague, and we know you suffer along with us. Let us be ever mindful that you are holding us especially close to your great heart in this time of trial. Let us feel your assurance that this, too, shall pass. Lead us, we pray, to face this scourge without panic, but with due concern, strength, courage, and perseverance. 

But Coronavirus is only the latest of many threats to your people, God. These other threats have not gone away simply because this disease is occupying our attention right now. When the Coronavirus is only a memory, they will remain. There are many among us who are homeless and hungry, sick or lonely, imprisoned, or victimized by senseless violence. Many are weary from fighting battles against their personal demons. Inspire us to open our hearts, as well as our bank accounts, and clear our calendars to provide the material assistance they need. We ask you to bless them especially; grant them strength, dignity, courage, and serenity in the face of the storm. As you continue to grace us, grace them with the sure knowledge of your presence and love. Lift their hearts and grant them healing.

We know, too, that the world you gave us is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption. We are on the brink of natural disaster on a worldwide scale—a catastrophe of our own making—yet we seem paralyzed and powerless to avert it. Too many people are starving, God, and too much disease goes untreated. And worst, too many of your innocent children are suffering from the desolation of war. Your children are divided against one another—by the inequitable distribution of your bounty, age-old ethnic hatreds, ideology and religion, and by injustice everywhere. All sides claim your special favor in holy conflict, killing one another in your name. Yet the sad truth, God, is that we crucify you once again each time we take a human life or allow one to die because of our own inaction. 

We pray for your loving intervention. We pray you reach into the hearts of all people, everywhere, and make us well. Let your mercy fall down like the waters, and bind us tight under the gentle, cooling rain of your steadfast love. Touch our hearts and end this dark night. Heal us, we pray, not just from this new plague, but also from all that separates us from you.

Though the world is not as we would have it—far from it—still we celebrate you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your gifts of life and this planet. Remind us, when we need reminding, never to forget that life is sweet, and there is beauty, compassion, and love to be found in the most unexpected places. And we thank you, most of all, for the extraordinary gift of your son Jesus, whose name is the very definition of love, peace, and compassion. May we take his words to heart and look to his life as our moral example. Help us, always, to strive to bring about your sovereignty, in which, one day, there will be no sorrow and no tears and where all your children can thank you for peace, good health, and plenty. Amen.

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